Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Where to begin

It's pretty sad when I don't even remember my password to my blog; it just shows that it's been a long time. And to be honest, I still don't feel like doing this, but I know I must before we leave for our family vacation to Michigan.
Where to start?

Month of May:

I hosted Bunko this month and I was so excited, I love to host things at my home, get groups of people together with good food and fun. I love to to entertain and I know it was only Bunko but I love to decorate and I know I went over board but o'well.

Bunko Girls
My table decorations.

Moving on:

BreAnden got the chance to do a golf camp for one day, something that her school and our community here on Piedmont hosted. She first started off learning how to put. But first, I went along since one, parents were required to be there and two, I wanted to drive the gold carts, which was just AWESOME!!! BreAnden had a fun time considering how cold it was outside.

Bre's golf couch, and the girl's we went along with.

Still going:

Hannah had a birthday, she is now six and some days I wish she were 18, no I did not just say that. She's GREAT!!! No really, it is going by too fast. We had her party at Chucky-Cheese and it was so nice.

Bare with me; not done yet:

Jack-Jack, the name says it all, the kid is CRAZY!!! His favorite movie is Konfu Panda, it's funny to watch him while he is watching the movie. He does the moves and can pretty much say it word for word. It also shows how much I let my kids watch movies.
Jack getting ready to do his moves.
Someone who is proud of himself.

Like I said Jack-Jack's name says it all.
One thing Crystal light is good for is 5 calories a serving, the bad thing it leaves one heck of a stain.

Where did this kid come from? I had no problems like this with Hannah, and Bre.

Just keep going, just keep going:

BreAnden had her first piano recital and she did a fantastic job, I am so proud of her as nervous as she was she did GREAT!!! She has a great teacher (Angie) who did a fantastic job teaching. Can't wait for the next one.

Good bye May, hello June:

The Benson's went camping and I can't tell you what a GREAT time we had. We drove three hours down to Natural Bridge and camped right off of the James river in a beaaa-u-ti-ful campsite. We also went with a great group of people from Justin's work and just had a blast.

It rained on our drive down to the site but 20 minutes before arriving it let up in time for us to set camp, cook dinner, let the kids play and hang out and roast marshmallow's by the fire. Then it started to rain again when we all went to bed and woke up to a pretty day.

Me stuffing my face, that is what camping is all about.
Yes, I have a thing for roasted marshmallows.

This is just day one of these two getting dirty.

Our camp-crafter Brendan, he taught the kids how to make bracelets.
Jack had his 3rd birthday while we were out there.

The kids swimming in the James River along with the snakes. Mom was in safer grounds.
Jack with his birthday rice crispy treat cake.
Now, I'm so proud of myself and I know my dad is too. I made thee most yummiest Dutch-Oven Berry Cobbler (secret family recipe), it was just to die for. The kids wouldn't appreciate anything this good so that is why they got stuck with the rice crispy treat, thanks Jeanelle.
This what comes after eating my Berry Cobbler, happy faces and licking plates.

In the end and after three days of camping, we were all ready for a shower and real toilets that flushed. When can we do it again?
I'm still not done but I've spent over two hours doing this, stopping here and there to feed dinner to the kids, they don't need to eat.
I still have pictures from Jack birthday party but I have to down load them, who knows when I will get around to doing that.
Enough for now.


Mandi said...

Oh, the crystal light! That is very unpleasant! Also- I am very impressed with your bunko decorations. I have always heard that you are a great cook and host. By the way- you need to post the recipe for your orange brownies. Those were dreamy!

Emily Anne Leyland said...

Wowsers, that was a fully loaded post ;) It all looked so fun and oh my gosh......that tablescape was gorgeous!!!